Make a plan of how your future is going to look like. Make a smart investment portfolio so that you don’t have to worry about your retirement"

- John Mc Quilkin 

Finding the right retirement product to help you plan for your retirement is one of the most important aspects of financial planning. This is because the amount you manage to save and invest wisely while you are earning will determine your retirement income, and therefore your quality of life. 

Delaying saving for retirement is not uncommon. Other life costs seem more important¬ – there’s a wedding to pay for, a deposit for a new house to put down, a baby, school fees and that holiday you absolutely must take. And, even for those of us who have been forced to save (thanks to a compulsory pension fund or retirement annuity deductions at work), it might not be enough. 

It certainly pays to start saving as early as possible, but if retirement is suddenly closer than you realised and you haven’t saved enough, it’s never too late to start. 

You know that retirement is coming. It isn’t as though it just shows up one day and takes you by surprise, so you need to get ready for it"

- Batja Shevich